
RunAsSpc = runas with credentials and password encryption

The application and account login information will be read from an encrypted file, which is built from an administrator on command line by RunAsSpc or the grafical interface RunAsSpcAdmin. Each encrypted file receive its own password, like a fingerprint.
RunAsSpc can also be used without an enrcypted file. Account, password and application can also pass in clear text directly.

RunAsSpc does not require any installation procedure for the following options.

Security patches, software updates, programs, drivers and other packages can be installed by the users themselves, without having administrator privileges. An administrator can specify by encrypted files on the computer or on the network, which applications can run with administrator rights.

Many peoble are working under administrator accounts, because some programs require these rights to run correctly.
By using RunAsSpc, a limited user does not need to login as an administrator to run these applications.

Surfing the Internet as an administrator makes the system vulnerable to malware, spyware, viruses and other security risks. Surf with a limited rights account and the amount of risk decreases dramatically.
Use RunAsSpc to start your Browser under a limited user account.

Do you want to instruct someone to configure a computer, but you cannot give him the administrator password, because you also use it on other systems?
With RunAsSpc and its encrypted file, which starts the computer manager or a file manager like Total Commander under a local administrator, you can give him full access to the computer, without giving him the password.

By using RunAsSpc you give an application the permissions instead of the user.

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RunAsSpc is free for private use only.
Companies and other organisations need a licensed version, registered to the company name.

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Other runas different user and run as administrator tools on

Wikipedia runas

Microsoft runas tutorial